
The Sixth International Conference of Ministers and Senior Officials Responsible for Physical Education and Sport (MINEPS VI)

The Sixth International Conference of Ministers and Senior Officials Responsible for Physical Education and Sport (MINEPS VI)
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103 countries
July 13 -15, 2017
Around 700 delegates
MINEPS is a forum that facilitates intellectual and technical exchange in the field of physical education and sport and serves as an institutional mechanism for a coherent international strategy in this domain. MINEPS conferences are organised under the auspices of UNESCO.
MINEPS VI was intended to analyse the implementation of intents specified in the revised International Charter of Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport (2015) and the Declaration of Berlin, signed during MINEPS V in 2013, and to adopt of the Kazan Action Plan – the final outcome document that features the programme of sport development for the next decade.
35 Ministers for Sport and Senior Officials responsible for Physical Education and Sport
32 Deputy Ministers for Sport
20 Heads of International sports organisations